COmbined Solution of Metal HYdride and mechanical Compressors: DEmonstration in the hysoparc green H2 MObility project

Project Objectives
COSMHYC DEMO is the 3rd project of the FCH JU funded COSMHYC series. In the projects COSMHYC (start 2017) and COSMHYC XL (start 2019), the consortium first developed and tested an innovative hydrogen compression technology for hydrogen refueling stations (HRS), then scaled it up for heavy duty applications, enabling higher flow rates and daily capacities.
In COSMHYC DEMO, a full scale prototype of this technology will be demonstrated in a real-life dual-pressure HRS located in Tours, France, servicing a local fleet of FCEVs and compressing up to 200kg of hydrogen per day. This demonstration will showcase the maturity of the compression solution with regards to efficiency, reliability, low maintenance, low costs and flexibility.
EIFER’s Contribution
- Project coordination
- Data monitoring and evaluation
- Definition of hybridization concept
- Design, manufacture and testing of filling center
Main Project Output
- Techno-economic assessment of innovative compression solution in an hydrogen refueling station (HRS)
- Increased know-how in HRS-related hydrogen technologies (compression, storage, filling center)
- Advanced safety-related & regulatory expertise in commercial hydrogen installation’s
This project has received funding under the European Commission’s Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007173.