Efficient Co-Electrolyser for Efficient Renewable Energy Storage
Project Objectives
The overall goal of ECo is to develop and validate a highly efficient co-electrolysis process for the conversion of excess renewable electricity into distributable and storable hydrocarbons via simultaneous electrolysis of steam and CO2 through SOEC (Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells).
For this purpose, the efficiency of the direct production of syngas via Solid Oxide electrolysis shall be improved.
Technical objectives:
- Reduce the operating temperature to 700°C to enable direct synthesis of methane;
- Test the lifetime of stacks operated in the co-electrolysis configuration;
- Integrate cells in a medium sized stack.
Economic objectives:
- Analyse the economic added value of co-electrolysis in different applications;
- Analyse the environmental added value from recycling CO2 emitted by industrial facilities.
EIFER’s Contribution
EIFER tests cells and short stacks in the co-electrolysis mode.
Technical objectives of the experimental work:
- Electrical and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements for performance and durability analysis;
- Influence of operation parameters (current, temperature, gas composition): analysis of output gases composition with gas chromatography;
- Long term tests under real-world operation conditions.
Analysis of techno-economic and regulatory framework:
- Evaluation of the overall cost of syngas production.
This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 699892.