
How urban and rural municipalities can benefit from cooperation and an improvement of sustainable land use

Project Objectives

Research subject

Land management and reduction of land take for the case of regional commercial area development with a specific focus on urban-rural interactions. A case study is applied in the region of the Northern Black Forest. The project approach integrates the various stakeholders on administrative and spatial levels of the region in order to investigate typical actor constellations for sustainable land use transformation.

Based on the scientific analysis of relevant stakeholder networks and combinations of strategical measures, the project supports cooperation of key stakeholders with participative methods and dedicated communication instruments and tools.

The overall aim is to develop a regional approach for a future sustainable commercial area management in order to reduce total land take.


  • Co-development of a regional strategy for land use management in the context of commercial area development
  • Analysis and support of relevant actor constellations for innovative management and planning approaches on a regional scale
  • Development and adaptation of participative research approaches
EIFER’s Contribution
  • Scientific coordination of the inter- and transdisciplinary project activities of the scientific and practice partners
  • Implementation and evaluation of participative methods: Community of Practice (CoP), Public Participative GIS (PPGIS), Participative Modeling
  • Development of communication instruments: information
    platform and decision support tools
  • Support to economic-political scenario-building processes
  • Evaluating potentials of standardization and certification

This project has received funding the BMBF under the Grant number 033L224B.