Next-generation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stack and hot box solution for small stationary applications

Project Logo OxiGEN
Project Objectives

OxiGEN aims at developing an innovative SOFC technical set-up for small stationary applications. It includes i.a. an all-ceramic stack design and a modular hotbox balancing the system’s heat requirements. With its higher durability and simpler design, this novel stack can fulfill the customers’ needs for long lifetime, high efficiency and low cost in micro-CHP and other segments.

The projects’ technical objectives address all the call challenges:

  • Define, with input from the Advisory Panel, the most suitable hotbox functional specifications for residential and commercial segments;
  • Develop a higher power stack to reach the call’s technical targets;
  • Develop a modular hotbox concept and build a 1kWe prototype (in practice, 500We to 1500We depending on preferred micro-CHP power specification);
  • Assess the performance of the prototype in system-like conditions;
  • Study the cost-of-ownership of the solution;
  • Propose material-based solutions for future long-term improvements;
  • Ensure the manufacturability and compatibility of the new hotbox with the EU supply chain;
  • Disseminate results and build the exploitation plan.
EIFER’s Contribution

EIFER is mainly responsible for the manufacturing of advanced cell layers and cell testing and contributes to the definition of test protocols and to the stack design.

This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 779537.

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