Ability of territories to integrate mobility innovations

Project Objectives

The CNRS Laboratory ESPACE based in Nice (FR), in collaboration with EIFER (the European Institute for Energy Research) has carried out a research project on “the ability of territories to integrate to electric mobility toward sustainability“ (CATIMINI² project)”. The objective was to characterize the spatial components of battery and hydrogen mobility systems. For each municipality, an expert system was developed and calculated as well as the potential to adapt electro mobility (battery or FCEV). The method experienced in the PACA region is intended to be extended to the entire national territory.

EIFER’s Contribution

EIFER was responsible for the coordination of the project, the study of actors involved in the deployment of clean mobility (description of the systems of actors and the ecosystem put in place to promote the electric and hydrogen modes) and for the elaboration of a methodology for the analysis of electric mobility potentials at the neighborhood level. The methodology has been applied to the metropolis of Nice Côte d’Azur.

This project has received funding from the ADEME, funding reference 1666C0015 (Numéro de convention de financement).