Critical Raw materials Elimination by a top-down Approach To hydrogen and Electricity generation

Project Objectives
CREATE aims at developing innovative membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for low-temperature FC and EL and unitized FC with much reduced cost. This will be achieved via elimination or drastic reduction of critical raw materials in their catalysts, enabling cost-efficient solutions to reversibly store electricity in the form of H2. To overcome the limitations of actual technologies, a dual strategy is considered:
- Shifting from PEM-based cells to pure anion-conducting polymer electrolytes: highly active PGM-free or ultralow-PGM catalysts at high pH
- Shifting from PEM-based cells to bipolar-membrane polymer electrolytes: bipolar membranes with low-pH electrode (fuel side) and high-pH electrode (oxygen side).
EIFER’s Contribution
- WP1 Project Management:
Activities linked with the management of the project like organization of meetings and web conferences, reporting. - WP2 Technical Specifications, Cost Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis:
EIFER is work package leader in charge with the management of the activities. EIFER also leads the tasks dealing with the definition of test protocols, Cost Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis of CREATE cells. - WP5 Cell Assembly and Cell Testing:
EIFER contributes to the evaluation of different membrane assemblies under fuel cell, electrolysis and reversible profiles. - WP6 Dissemination and Exploitation
Activities linked with the diffusion of the knowledge developed during the project (conferences, workshops, articles).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 721065.