First stakeholders’ workshop on hydrogen shipping in Paris

On September 29th, EIFER in collaboration with Hynamics organised an open workshop in Paris for the H2SHIPS project (INTERREG NEW). 34 participants took part to this workshop either locally or online, coming from different horizons: local authorities, municipalities like Issy and Paris, companies, ships owners and governmental actors involved in maritime transport and energy, and the French association for hydrogen and fuel cells (AFHYPAC).
Main objective of this workshop was to present the project activities planned in Paris: the development of an action plan to set up a first hydrogen ecosystem around the Seine River including green H2 production, installation of a first bunkering infrastructure, and first zero-emission ships. To initiate the work on green H2 solutions for shipping in Paris, the strategy had been entrusted with a study on the future demand of H2 for shipping in the Seine area. The results of this study were presented (estimate of hydrogen-powered ships by 2030, identification of the priority usages), and the ensuing discussion showed the determination of the local actors to rapidly develop the carbon free fluvial mobility.
The discussions notably confirmed the need to aggregate H2 production needs and to investigate potential synergies with the local industry. This will ensure a fast deployment of the future hydrogen ecosystem. Further workshops on specific topics are planned for the next two years. Potential themes will be hydrogen production, bunkering, propulsion technologies, financing schemes, permitting and regulation.