Flexible Production of Synthetic Natural Gas and Biochar via Gasification of Biomass and Waste Feedstocks

The newly launched H2020 project FlexSNG aims at developing a cost-effective gasification-based process for flexible production of pipeline-quality biomethane, high-value biochar and renewable heat from a wide variety of low-quality biomass residues and biogenic waste feedstocks. An optimized feedstock supply chain combined with technology innovations leads to lower biomethane production costs by more than 30% compared to state-of-the art for synthetic natural gas from biomass. The key innovative technology at the core of the FlexSNG concept is the flexible gasification process that can switch between two operation modes according to market signals or feedstock availability and price:
- co-production of biomethane, biochar and heat
- maximised production of biomethane and heat
The Biomethane with a methane content of 96-98%, can be readily injected into the existing gas infrastructure for distribution to end-consumers in the transport or energy sector, industries and households. The co-produced biochar is a solid and so easily storable bioenergy carrier that can displace fossil feedstocks in energy production and industry but also fossil carbon materials. The by-product heat recovered from the gasification/synthesis process can be used for green district heating or as process steam.
FlexSNG is an EU-Canada jointly funded action that brings together 12 universities, research institutes, SMEs and technology providers from seven European countries and Canada. The project partners are: VTT (Finland), CERTH (Greece), DTU (Denmark), Skogforsk (Sweden), ETA-Florence (Italy), Creative Optimization (Sweden), Sumitomo (Finland), Johnson Matthey (UK), WOOD (Italy) and from Canada Université Laval and Polytechnique Montréal.
EIFER is leading WP6 dealing with sector coupling market opportunities for the three products SNG, biochar and heat regarding sector coupling. Furthermore, EIFER will investigate the replicability and business opportunities for the FlexSNG concept in Germany and France.
Contacts: news@eifer.org
For more information: https://www.flexsng.eu/