LEAP-RE Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy

Project Objectives
The Project LEOPARD, financed by the LEAP-RE programme, will capitalise recent developments of micro-grids and automation of distribution grid management to design, implement and disseminate micro-grid technology that will be the foundation of a widespread use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Africa, especially in West Africa.
The specific objectives will be to determine the local conditions of access to energy at the hamlet, village and regional level, to design, test and evaluate in peri-urban and rural areas a 100 % RES containerised solution, to optimise technical-economic benefits, considering local uses and appropriation. Furthermore the conditions and impacts of the interconnection of the off grid containerized solution in a larger micro-grid and its connection to the national grid will be analyzed. A definition of the replicability and adaptability conditions and a map of the areas in Benin and Senegal where the solution could be appropriate will be elaborated.
EIFER’s Contribution
- EIFER, Songhai Center and ARESS will be involved in the definition of the criteria for choosing the second village of implementation, identification of this village and agreement with relevant authorities.
- EIFER will be responsible for the development of a specialized tool for the design of micro-grids solutions i.e. PV panels, storage and associated power electronics in relation with load curve
- EIFER will be responsible of the GIS study on replicability/adaptability of the LEOPARD micro-grid solution to the Beninese and Senegalese rural environment and context.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 963530.