SENERGY NETS: The new EU project aims to increase the synergy among different energy networks
The European Green Deal sets out the path to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050 and, among others, prioritises energy efficiency, improving the energy performance of our buildings and developing a power sector based largely on renewable sources. There are however several challenges in this path that include:
– The planning of energy networks and assets are done in silo by their operators
– The value of flexibility is usually analysed without considering the overall created value of the system integration (economic, environmental, societal)
The SENERGY NETS project will highlight the benefits arising from integrating electricity, gas, heating and cooling systems.
SENERGY NETS aims at demonstrating the technical and economic capability of existing multi-energy systems to decarbonise the heating and cooling, electricity and gas sectors. These multi-energy systems will integrate as much as possible renewable energy sources produced locally and will be structured according to a sector integration approach, focusing also on promising infrastructure and business models.
To do so, SENERGY NETS will develop a set of tools and platforms aimed to optimise, with sector coupling, the planning of district heating & cooling and distribution grids, and allow the provision of flexibility services to Distribution and Transmission System Operators. These solutions will be implemented on three pilot sites located in Milan (IT), Ljubljana (SI) and Paris (FR) and their replicability will be tested in two additional real case studies presenting alternative climatic, economic and geographic conditions in Västerås (SE) and Cordoba (ES).
The SENERGY NETS Consortium held its kick-off meeting on 13-14 September 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
The project started in September and will last for four years until 2026. A trans-disciplinary consortium brings together experts from public authorities, infrastructure providers, research institutions, energy suppliers, entrepreneurs and consumer associations. They will provide the necessary expertise and
capacities to develop and evaluate tools and services, that will enable the integration of multi-energy systems.
The following 19 organisations, located in 8 European countries, participate as partners in the
SENERGY NETS consortium:
- Germany: EIFER – European Institute for Energy Research, University of Kassel
- France: Électricité De France – EDF, Dalkia
- Italy: A2A, A2A Calore & Servizi, Associazione Italiana Riscaldamento Urbano – AIRU, RSE -Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, Unareti, Federconsumatori Milano APS
- Austria: cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG
- Belgium: Euroheat & Power
- Slovenia: Elektro Ljubljana, Energetika Ljubljana, Operato, University of Ljubljana
- Sweden: Mälardalen University
- Spain: TECNALIA Research & Innovation, VEOLIA Servicios Lecam
For more information click here.
For any inquiries, please contact Guillaume Bardeau, Project Coordinator, European Institute for Energy Research by EDF and KIT, at
Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101075731.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the
European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.