

Laborgne, P. (2016).
Local Intermediaries in Energy Transitions: A Case in Frankfurt/Main.
In A. Bammé, G. Getzinger (Eds.), Yearbook 2015 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society.

Wendel, J., Murshed, S. M., Sriramulu, A., Nichersu, A. (2016).
Development of a Web-Browser Based Interface for 3D Data – A Case Study of a Plug-in Free Approach for Visualizing Energy Modelling Results.
In G. Gartner, M. Jobst, H. Huang (Eds.), Progress in Cartography: EuroCarto 2015 (pp. 185-205). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Bolduan, R., Weisenburger, S. (2016).
Günstige Pellets aus Biomasse.
TopAgrar 12/2016.

Damblin, G., Keller, M., Barbillon, P., Pasanisi, A., Parent, É. (2016).
Bayesian Model Selection for the Validation of Computer Codes.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(6), 2043-2054.
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Häfele, S., Hauck, M., Dailly, J. (2016).
Life cycle assessment of the manufacture and operation of solid oxide electrolyser components and stacks.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(31), 13786-13796.

Imbert, I., Nogues, P., Sevenet, M. (2016).
Same but different: On the applicability of fuel poverty indicators across countries – Insights from France.
Energy Research & Social Science, 15, 75-85.

Laborgne, P. (2016).
Bürgerenergie im Fokus.
Bericht zur 3. Energy & Society Konferenz: Transforming Energy for Society. Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis, 25(3).

Laurin, L., Amor, B., Bachmann, T. M., Bare, J., Koffler, C., Genest, S., Preiss, P., Pierce, J., Satterfield, B., Vigon, B. (2016).
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Meier, S., Zorn, R. (2016).
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Merkel, E., McKenna, R., Fehrenbach, D., Fichtner, W. (2016).
A model-based assessment of climate and energy targets for the German residential heat system.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 142(4), 3151-3173.

Moçotéguy, P., Ludwig, B., Yousfi Steiner, N. (2016).
Application of current steps and design of experiments methodology to the detection of water management faults in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack.
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Pahon, E., Yousfi Steiner, N., Jemei, S., Hissel, D., Moçoteguy, P. (2016).
A signal-based method for fast PEMFC diagnosis.
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Pahon, E., Yousfi Steiner, N., Jemei, S., Hissel, D., Péra, M. C., Wang, K., Moçotéguy, P. (2016).
Solid oxide fuel cell fault diagnosis and ageing estimation based on wavelet transform approach.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(31), 13678-13687.

Sar, J., Schefold, J., Brisse, A., Djurado, E. (2016).
Durability test on coral Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ-La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ with La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ current collector working in SOFC and SOEC modes.
Electrochimica Acta, 201, 57-69.

Wendel, J., Buttenfield, B. P., Stanislawski, L. V. (2016).
An evaluation of unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms for clustering landscape types in the United States.
Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 43(3), 233-249.

Wendel, J., Nichersu, A. (2016).
Open-source solutions for 3D geodata visualization.
Geomatik aktuell 2016 – Geodaten in der Cloud, Reihe B (9), 53-60.

Zorn, R., Neuner, F., Friderich, J., Meier, S., Kauffeld, M. (2016).
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Zeitschrift der Geothermischen Vereinigung e. V., Nr.83.

Auer, C., Braig, M., Lang, M., Kurz, S., Couturier, K., Nielsen, E. R., Fu, Q., Liu, Q. (2016).
Increase of the quality assurance of SOFC stacks by electrochemical methods.
Paper presented at the 12th European SOFC & SOE Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Belhomme, R., Trotignon, M., Cantenot, J., Dallagi, A., Cerqueira, E., Hoffmann, B., Bürger, J., Eberbach, J. (2016).
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Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Porto, Portugal.

Brisse, A., Schefold, J., Dailly, J. (2016).
20,000 Hours Steam Electrolysis with Solid Oxide Cells Technonolgy.
Paper presented at the 12th European SOFC & SOE Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Cajot S., Schüler N., Peter M., Page J., Koch A., & François, M. (2016).
Establishing links for the planning of sustainable districts.
Paper presented at the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.

Ge, X., Kremers, E. (2016).
Simulation optimization in the task of urban energy planning.
Paper presented at the 30th European Simulation and Modelling Conference – ESM’2016, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Huber, A. (2016).
Recent dynamics of every day sharing between neighbours in France and Germany.
Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Paris, France.

Huber, A. (2016).
Trends of neighbourhood sharing in France and Germany.
Paper presented at the DEMAND Centre Conference, Lancaster, UK.

Kremers, E. (2016).
Multi-Scale Simulation for Energy Systems using a Complex Systems Approach.
Invited Keynote at the 30th European Simulation and Modelling Conference – ESM’2016, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Laborgne, P. (2016).
Local Energy Transition Strategies: Case Studies in Germany.
Paper presented at the International Sustainability Transition Wuppertal, Germany.

Laborgne, P., Skok, J. (2016).
“Smart” Citizen’s Visions? Experiences and views of the SmartQuarterVision KA 2030+ Project.
Paper presented at the STS Conference, Graz, Austria.

Murshed, S. M., Reed, E. (2016).
Mapping of the vulnerability of forest resources due to extreme winter storms in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany.
Paper presented at the AutoCarto 2016, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Murshed, S. M., Werner, U. (2016).
A System dynamics approach to assess economic impacts of extreme winter storms in forestry.
Paper presented at the 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Delft, Netherlands.

Nusiaputra, Y., Dimier, A., Kohl, T. (2016).
A two-phase geothermal wellbore-simulator to model THC behaviour using Elmer-PHREEQC.
Paper presented at the European Geothermal Congress Strasbourg, France.

Payre, C., Bardeau, G., Lopez Ruiz, H., Mousseau, B., Rivière, E., Schillinger, C., Soulhac, L., Charvolin-Volta, P., Guillossou, G., Piotrowski, A., Soldano, B., De Giudici, P., Moreau, M., Mascarell, S., Willm, T. (2016).
Étude relative à la conséquence sur la qualité de l’air de scénarios prospectifs transport et énergies décentralisées pour en connaître l’impact sanitaire : le cas du quartier des Deux Rives (Strasbourg).
Paper presented at 7eme Congrès national Santé Environnement, Strasbourg, France.

Pelletier, C., François, J., Bosc, A., Picart, D., Moisy, C., Loustau, D., Fortin, M., Rogaume, Y., Dieckhoff, L., Brunelle, T., Dumas, P., Pons, M-N., Dufour, A. (2016).
Environmental and Economic Assessment of Converting Wood to Energy, Based on Modelling of the Entire Production Chain.
Paper presented at the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Pradel, B., Fulda, A.-S., Huber, A. (2016).
Sharing charging stations. A socio-economical study on sharing private charging stations for electric vehicles: actors, social organizations and practices.
Paper presented at the 11th ITS European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland.

Preiss, P., Bachmann, T. M. (2016).
External costs of electrification of road transport in the SCelecTRA project: approach & setting-dependency.
Paper presented at the SETAC Europe 26th annual meeting, Nantes, France.

Rinaldi, G., Diethelm, S., Burdet, P., Oveisi, E., Herle, J.-V., Montinaro, D., Fu, Q., Brisse, A. (2016).
Post-test analysis on a Solid Oxide Cell stack operated for 10700 hours in steam electrolysis mode.
Paper presented at the 12th European SOFC & SOE Forum, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Seidelt, S., Bolduan, R. (2016).
Techno-Economic Comparison of Biowaste Treatment: Hydrothermal Carbonization, Anaerobic Waste Fermentation and Composting.
Paper presented at the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Sieber, J. (2016).
Strengthening energy systems to enhance urban resilience: Climate resilient energy supply infrastructure and green spaces – Examples from three cities.
Paper presented at the Resilient Cities Congress, Bonn, Germany.

Sieber, J. (2016).
Urban Ecosystem Services Reviews for climate resilience, energy supply and green space development.
Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development, NYC, New York, USA.

Sieber, J. (2016).
New York, Singapore, Berlin – Climate Resilience of Critical Infrastructures in three Cities.
Paper presented at the IDRC 2016, Davos, Switzerland.

Wendel, J., Nichersu, A., Murshed, S. M., Simons, A., Saed, M., Wieland, M. (2016).
GIS energy analysis in smart citiy approaches.
Paper presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.

Zoarder, M. A. M., Murshed, S. M., Bahu, J.-M., Coors, V. (2016).
Development of An Integrated GIS Based Approach for Urban Heat Island Modeling.
Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, Singapore.

Boutaud, B. (2016).
Un modèle énergétique en transition. Centralisme et décentralisation dans la régulation du système électrique.
Université Paris Est, Paris, France.

Koch, A. (2016).
Continuous Simulation for Urban Energy Planning Based on a Non-Linear Data-Driven Modelling Approach.
Fakultät für Architektur (ARCH) – Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany.

Murshed, S. M. (2016).
Assessment of Impacts of Extreme Winter Storms on the Forest Resources in Baden-Württemberg – A Combined Spatial and System Dynamics Approach.
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany.