

Bachmann, T. M. (2019).
Optimal Pollution: The Welfare Economic Approach to Correct Related Market Failures.
In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition) (pp. 767-777). Oxford: Elsevier.

Hoffmann, B., Eberbach, J., Fehrenbach, D., Bürger, J. (2019).
La transition énergétique allemande à la croisée des chemins : un aperçu critique.
In G. M. Douzou Sylvie, Luck Simon (Ed.), Les territoires de la transition énergétique. Paris: LAVOISIER / TEC ET DOC.

Koch, A., Kremers, E. (2019).
Demand side management.
In B. RENAC, Germany (Ed.), Renewable Energy – Lessons from the German Experience of the Energy Transition: A Guide for Engineers, Policymakers and Administrators (First Edition ed.). Berlin, Germany: German Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI).

Koehrsen, J., Mattes, J., Huber, A. (2019).
Les transitions énergétiques allemandes à l’échelon local : une perspective évolutive des transitions de Bottrop et d’Emden.
In G. M. Douzou Sylvie, Luck Simon (Ed.), Les territoires de la transition énergétique. Paris: LAVOISIER / TEC ET DOC.

van der Kamp, J. (2019).
Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Air Pollution Control Measures at Industrial Point Emission Sources: Methodological Overview and Guidance for the Assessment of Health-Related Damage Costs.
In J. Nriagu (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition) (pp. 710-722). Oxford: Elsevier.

Allidières, L., Brisse, A., Millet, P., Valentin, S., Zeller, M. (2019).
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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(20), 9690-9700.

Anghilante, R., Müller, C., Schmid, M., Colomar, D., Ortloff, F., Spörl, R., Brisse, A., Graf, F. (2019).
Innovative power-to-gas plant concepts for upgrading of gasification bio-syngas through steam electrolysis and catalytic methanation.
Energy Conversion and Management, 183, 462-473.

Bachmann, T. M., Carnicelli, F., Preiss, P. (2019).
Life cycle assessment of domestic fuel cell micro combined heat and power generation: Exploring influential factors.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(7), 3891-3905.

Benel, C., Fischer, A., Zimina, A., Steininger, R., Kruk, R., Hahn, H., Léon, A. (2019).
Controlling the structure and magnetic properties of cluster-assembled metallic glasses.
Materials Horizons, 6(4), 727-732.

Bose, S., Kremers, E., Mengelkamp, E., Eberbach, J., Weinhardt, C. (2019).
Reinforcement learning in Local Energy Markets.
Energy Strategy Reviews (Energy Modelling Platform for Europe 2019 – EMP-E 2019).

Cajot, S., Schüler, N., Peter, M., Koch, A., Marechal, F. (2019).
Interactive optimization with parallel coordinates: exploring multidimensional spaces for decision support.
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Analysis of urban surface morphologic effects on diurnal thermal directional anisotropy.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 148, 1-12.

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Jänisch, T., Reinhardt, S., Pohsner, U., Böringer, S., Bolduan, R., Steinbrenner, J., Oechsner, H. (2019).
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Léon, A., Fiedler, A., Blum, M., Yang, W., Bär, M., Scheiba, F., Ehrenberg, H., Heske, C., Weinhardt, L. (2019).
Electrolyte Stability and Discharge Products of an Ionic-Liquid-Based Li–O2 Battery Revealed by Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society.
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McKenna, R., Fehrenbach, D., Merkel, E. (2019).
The role of seasonal thermal energy storage in increasing renewable heating shares: A techno-economic analysis for a typical residential district.
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Moçotéguy, P., Pellegrino, S., Ludwig, B., Esposito, A., Iwanschitz, B., Mai, A. (2019).
A novel approach to analyse incomplete design of experiments – Application to the study of the influence of operational parameters on the performance of a solid oxide fuel cell based micro-combined heat and power system.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(2), 1151-1165.

Murshed, S. M., Duval, A., Koch, A., Rode, P. (2019).
Impact of Urban Morphology on Energy Consumption of Vertical Mobility in Asian Cities – A Comparative Analysis with 3D City Models.
Urban Science, 3(1), 4.

Ortega, S., Wendel, J., Santana, J. M., Murshed, S. M., Boates, I., Trujillo, A., Nichersu, A., Suárez, J. P. (2019).
Making the Invisible Visible – Strategies for Visualizing Underground Infrastructures in Immersive Environments.
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80,000 current on/off cycles in a one year long steam electrolysis test with a solid oxide cell.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Schüppler, S., Fleuchaus, P., Blum, P. (2019).
Techno-economic and environmental analysis of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in Germany.
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Sliz-Szkliniarz, B., Eberbach, J., Hoffmann, B., Fortin, M. (2019).
Assessing the cost of onshore wind development scenarios: Modelling of spatial and temporal distribution of wind power for the case of Poland.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 109, 514-531.

Villanova, J., Schlabach, S., Brisse, A., Léon, A. (2019).
X-ray fluorescence nano-imaging of long-term operated solid oxide electrolysis cells.
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Modeling, Monitoring, and Validating Green Roof and Green Facade Solutions with Semantic City Models Using Low Cost Sensors and Open Software Infrastructures.
Urban Science, 3(2), 39.

Zamboni, W., Petrone, G., Spagnuolo, G., Beretta, D. (2019).
An Evolutionary Computation Approach for the Online/On-Board Identification of PEM Fuel Cell Impedance Parameters with A Diagnostic Perspective.
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Bouquerel, M., Kremers, E., van der Kamp, J., Thuy, N., Jardin, A. (2019).
Requirements modelling to help decision makers to efficiently renovate energy systems of urban districts.
Paper presented at the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Dieckhoff, L. (2019).
Ressources biomasse en France : potentiels, valorisations actuelles et compétitions d’usage.
Paper presented at the Journée J3P, Valorisation thermochimique des combustibles solides, Nancy, France.

Eising, M., Hobbie, H., Möst, D. (2019).
Offshore vs. Onshore Wind Energy: Effects of the Technological Capacity Mix on Regional Market Values in Germany.
Paper presented at the 17th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ge, X., Kremers, E., Yadack, M., Eicker, U. (2019).
Simulation-supported Quantification of Demand Response Actions Applied in a Block of Residential Buildings.
Paper presented at the 16th IAEE European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ge, X., Kremers, E., Yadack, M., Eicker, U. (2019).
Simulation-supported quantification of flexibility: assessing the potential for blocks of buildings to participate in demand response markets.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Godschalk, B., Fleuchaus, P., Schüppler, S., Velvis, H., Blum, P. (2019).
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems at universities.
Paper presented at the European Geothermal Congress 2019, Den Haag, the Netherlands.

Huber, A. (2019).
Can sharing resources be a way forward in the quest for more sufficiency of the housing sector? Observations from two novel housing constellations.
Paper presented at the European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Barcelona, Spain.

Huber, A., Staentzel, C. (2019).
Interconnections d’infrastructures fluviales et biodiversité en coévolution (INTERCONNECT)
Paper presented at the Présentation au Colloque Ittecop, Sophia-Antipolis, France.

Kremers, E. (2019).
Intelligent local energy management through market mechanisms: Driving the German energy transition from the bottom-up.
Paper presented at the 4th Annual CDT Conference in Energy Storage and Its Applications, University of Southampton, U.K.

Kremers, E., Bose, S., Walter, T. (2019).
SoLAR: A market inspired energy management mechanism to improve the smooth integration of renewables from a local perspective.
Paper presented at the 2nd ForDigital Workshop for Local Energy Markets, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Kubeczko, K., Kremers, E., Ge, X. (2019).
How to Replicate solutions for the flexibility challenge?
Paper presented at the ISGAN – International Smart Grid Action Network, Webinar.

Lehmler, S., Murshed, S. M., Ansart, L., Shen, Y. (2019).
Usability of Open Data for Smart City Applications – Evaluation of Data, Development of Application and Creation of Visual Dashboards.
Paper presented at the REAL CORP 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Motte-Cortés, A., Eising, M. (2019).
Assessment of balancing market designs in the context of European coordination.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Payre, C. (2019).
Does providing the causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease influence its monetary value assessed by contingent valuation?
Paper presented at the WONV 2019 – 7th Workshop on non-market valuation, Marseille, France.

Payre, C. (2019).
Environmental impacts in cost-benefits analyses: Does the cause of a health impacts influence its disutility’s value?
Paper presented at the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis: European Conference 2019, Toulouse, France.

Payre, C., Jack, D., Bardeau, G., Nimal, E., Thiriot, S., Kinney, P., Cessey, H. (2019).
Considering environment, health and inhabitants’ wellbeing in urban planning: a modeling approach.
Paper presented at the 59th ERSA Congress – Cities, regions and digital transformations: Opportunities, risks and challenges, Lyon, France.

Payre, C., Jack, D., Kinney, P., Nimal, E., Bardeau, G., Thiriot, S. (2019).
A transdisciplinary approach for livable and sustainable cities: towards a compromise between air quality and climate change.
Paper presented at the Sustainability: Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice, and Action – STTPA Conference 2019, Toronto, Canada.

Shen, Y., Lehmler, S., Murshed, S. M., Riedel, T. (2019).
Characterizing air quality in urban areas with mobile measurement and high resolution open spatial data: comparison of different machine learning approaches using a visual interface.
Paper presented at 4th EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, Braga, Portugal.

Weinhardt, C., Mengelkamp, E., Cramer, W., Hambridge, S., Hobert, A., Kremers, E., Otter, W., Pinson, P., Tiefenbeck, V., Zade, M. (2019).
How far along are Local Energy Markets in the DACH+ Region? A Comparative Market Engineering Approach.
Paper presented at the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Fehrenbach, D. (2019).
Modellgestützte Untersuchung des wirtschaftlichen Potenzials sektorgekoppelter Wärmeversorgung in Wohngebäuden im Kontext der Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland.
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany.
ISBN: 978-3-7315-0952-3

Ge, X., Haering, P., Haindlmaier, G., Hummel, S., Kremers, E., Kubeczko, K., Lewald, N., Magnusson, D., Rivola, D., Rohracher, H., Skok, J., Wenske, J., Wilhelmer, D. (2019).
ReFlex Guidebook for the replication of use-cases tackling the flexibility challenge in smart energy systems.